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Athletes in Action. "Since 1966, we have been helping athletes experience the hope and purpose that comes from following Jesus, and equipping them to use their platform to be part of God’s mission in the world to make disciples of all nations. By serving, training, and sending athletes as influencers into the world, we are building spiritual movements everywhere through the platform of sport so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus."
For athletes, they offer communities, camps, and trips to help you grow in all dimensions. For coaches, there are events, trainings, and clinics to help build character and perseverance in your athletes. Connect with a community on campus, as a pro, globally. There are so many ways to get involved. You can even launch your own local spiritual community for athletes through their Sportlinc program. Browse through the site to learn more about this exciting ministry! |
Christian Outdoor Fellowship of America (COFA). "The vision and goal of COFA are to use God’s great outdoors through hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and other activities, to promote the gospel and a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. . . . What COFA does best is gather men, women, and children in the great outdoors through various activities such hunting, hiking, fishing, camping, boating, ATV’s, photography, 4-wheeling, and more. Not only does COFA have outdoor activities, but we partner with your church leaders to help start outdoor ministries in their churches." If you want to learn more about how COFA can help you building an outdoor ministry in your church, please visit their partner page. |
Christian Sports International. "CSI facilitates sports programs for kids, junior and high school campus ministry, and ministry events for men to challenge and empower the participants to live their lives for Jesus Christ." Their ministries include BMX ministries, campus ministries, sports ministries, international ministries, men's ministries, and special events. Browse through their site to learn more. There are many volunteer opportunities. Check them out! |

"Our passion is to see lives changed through the use of sports, recreation, and fitness ministries by the local church. We fulfill this through resourcing, training, and equipping local church leaders for ministry around the world. Those leaders are mobilizing their local church to build bridges to their communities for the purpose of leading people into a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ." Visit their website to learn how you can get involved.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). "Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel."
Learn more about you can get involved as an athlete, coach, volunteer, or donor. And follow their devotions below. |
Impact Sports. "We are an interdenominational ministry with a burden to reach those at the "ends of the earth" who have never had the opportunity to hear the Good News for geographical, cultural, or legal reasons. We believe sports can bridge the language, cultural, social, economic, and political barriers to take the Gospel to places others cannot or will not go." They serve around the world as well as in prisons in the southeastern United States. Check out their upcoming events. And contact them to learn more about how you can serve with them. |
Run for God. A Christian organization dedicated to promoting faith and fitness by combining running with spiritual growth. The program offers training and support for individuals, especially beginners, to improve their physical well-being while deepening their connection to their faith. In 2023, Run for God and Upward Sports merged to support local churches and individuals by using running and walking as a ministry tool. As of December 2023 this exciting new offering is still under construction for local churches and will be available in the coming months. Check back with the website or follow us on social media to stay current on what is happening! |
Sports Friends. "Making disciples through sports." A ministry of the international mission organization, SIM. Mission: "To equip churches and church planters to use sports to make disciples of Jesus Christ among young people, their families, and their communities. Interested in serving? They need people with a passion for sports and young people. Also workers with gifts in administration, communication, discipleship, leadership, pastoral care, and many more to join them in equipping the church to make disciples. Opportunities include long-term ministry, internships, and short-term ministry trips. Visit the site to learn more. |
Sports Outreach. "Using sports to build Christian leaders." This ministry recruits, trains, equips, and deploys committed Christian leaders in the effective use of sports ministry, for the purposes of sharing the gospel and alleviating human suffering.
The ministry starts on the field, various sports--whatever connects with the children and young people in that time and place. It continues off the field with discipleship and mentoring. Their coaches work with the kids leading Bible studies, teaching about character, helping with schooling, sharing personal testimonies, educating about public health, and encouraging them in their family life and relationships. "Meeting physical, emotional and education needs completes the picture of holistic investment in lives that so often results in Gospel transformation." Learn about the many ways you can get involved including short term mission trips or inviting Sports Outreach to partner with you to minister locally, |
Upward Sports. "Partnering with churches to leverage sports in their community." Available sports for leagues and camps: baseball, basketball, cheerleading, flag football, soccer, softball, and volleyball. "Our desire is to come alongside your church to advance your mission, reach families in your city, and promote Jesus through the avenue of sports. Together, we will customize the best sports experience for your church, strengthening your outreach efforts." Visit their website to learn more and contact them with your questions. |