Please join us in prayer for director Henry Otieno and Amazing Grace Humanitarian Church in Kisumu, Kenya. The ministry began in 2000. And please consider emailing Henry to encourage him by letting him know you are praying: [email protected]. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
From Henry:
We meet in churches, tents, halls, we have 16 branches and every branch has over 20 people, our mission statement says 'A life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile.' We preach the gospel locally and globally, we care for orphans, needy children, widows, the vulnerable, the girlchild, the displaced, the old age and the disadvantaged. We provide them with food, school fees, building of houses to the homeless, free medication, drilling of water boreholes distribution of Bibles
From Henry:
We meet in churches, tents, halls, we have 16 branches and every branch has over 20 people, our mission statement says 'A life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile.' We preach the gospel locally and globally, we care for orphans, needy children, widows, the vulnerable, the girlchild, the displaced, the old age and the disadvantaged. We provide them with food, school fees, building of houses to the homeless, free medication, drilling of water boreholes distribution of Bibles
Prayer Requests
My prayer request is buying public address equipments, paying preachers and pastors for their house keep and house rent, ministry vehicle, paying school fees for orphans and needy children, capital for income generating activities for the widows and needy families, free medical camps monthly, building of churches, buying of tents for fellowship, free Bibles for new believers.
Henry's Person Testimony
I was born again in 1983, I was spirit filled and healed. I am married to one wife with three children. I have a burden to spread the gospel locally and globally. I have a burden to serve humanity, taking care of the needy, the orphans and the unlovable. I believe God to expand my ministry this year.
My prayer request is buying public address equipments, paying preachers and pastors for their house keep and house rent, ministry vehicle, paying school fees for orphans and needy children, capital for income generating activities for the widows and needy families, free medical camps monthly, building of churches, buying of tents for fellowship, free Bibles for new believers.
Henry's Person Testimony
I was born again in 1983, I was spirit filled and healed. I am married to one wife with three children. I have a burden to spread the gospel locally and globally. I have a burden to serve humanity, taking care of the needy, the orphans and the unlovable. I believe God to expand my ministry this year.