<![CDATA[Find Christian Links Christian Networking Directory - Pray for Ministries]]>Sun, 09 Mar 2025 10:57:49 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[Weekly Update from Gospel Believers Fellowship]]>Thu, 06 Mar 2025 15:44:47 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/weekly-update-from-gospel-believers-fellowship7949419
Please continue to pray for the needs of Pastor Bushebi and Gospel Believers Fellowship in Kenya and praise God for all He is doing. And consider taking a few minutes to email your encouragement to brotherbushebi1@gmail.com. Let him know you are praying! Also join me in praising God for all who are being born again, healed, and set free.
Beloved Family,
Hearty greetings from your Family in Africa through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!
We pray you are well and the Lord is blessing!!!
Sunday was a great day with our Children in all our Churches for Counseling, Word, Warning, Corrections and prayers. Children have been on a short break from Schools and we planned to engage and pray with them following the many
 dangerous evil things that are going on around and in our schools like Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Drug addictions, pornography, etc. We cautioned them about the change of the Laws and Times as written in Daniel 7:25. We prayed for Wisdom and Understanding as they go back to Schools. Blessing the name of the Lord forever!!!!!

-       More than 120 Young People gave their lives to the Lord on Sunday in about 31 Churches in Bungoma Region.
-       About 20 of the young people were restored to the Lord.
-       A good number of the young People had demonic reactions but were prayed for and got delivered.
-       About 3 Adults gave their Lives to the Lord when they saw their Children being prayed over.
-       Several People were prayed over for healing and solutions to the problems they have.

Glory and Honor to the Lord for all His works!!!!

We were so happy to have some session time with the Children around in our Churches for Counseling in the Word, warning, Teachings and correction for them as they were to return to School after a short break starting early this week. We prayed over them dedicating them to the Lord as they face world’s challenges out there. We also prayed for their Parents who struggle to pay school fees for their education.

Our Orphans and the Needy Children were also prayed for and are prepared to get back to learning as we continue to pay for their Academics. We bless the Lord for these Young Lives future!!!

CLIMATIC CHANGES: It is so dry!!!
We are in prayer for the global warming: we are experiencing a different high level of heat that is drying everything over here. The Vegetation is drying, Many are not walking outside and even inside our houses is hot and most do not have air conditioners. This is happening at the time when the World is experiencing very tough times. We are also praying against the looming 3rd world war, for we MUST preach to the many that are getting lost. Love and Prayers!!!

With much prayers,
Yours Faithfully in the Lord,
Brother Bushebi and Ministry,

1.  Need for English and Swahili Bibles 2. Basic Needs for Orphans and Widows 3. Pastoral Training Program 4. Ministry Resources 5. Partnership in Missions


Phone: +254-735781802; +254-724039828; +254-725733630
PAYPAL EMAILgbfministrypaypal@gmail.com
Email: bushebi@africaonline.co.ke or gbfministries@yahoo.com

WEBSITE: http://www.gospelbelieversfellowship.org
<![CDATA[Pray for Christian Presbyterian Church in Malawi]]>Thu, 06 Mar 2025 15:16:36 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-christian-presbyterian-church-in-malawi
Please join us in praying for Pastor Ezelina Longwe and Christian Presbyterian Church in Karonga, Malawi (founded in 2017). And we hope you will take a moment to email Pastor Longwe to encourage her by letting him know you are praying: ezelinalongwe@gmail.com. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV​

From Pastor Longwe:

The name of my ministry is Christian Presbyterian church. It is located in the northern part of Malawi in Karonga district. My ministry have about 70 members.
We meet in a classroom since we have not yet built the church.
We have women group
Men group
Youth ministry
Children ministry.
On Wednesday we have Bible study
On Saturday we have outreach
On Sunday we meet for Sunday service.

Prayer Requests
Please pray for the spiritual growth of our ministry.

Personal testimony
My name is Ezelina Longwe. I am 49 years old. Am a pastor and a teacher by proffession. I like sharing the word of God on social media and also I like preaching the word of God. I became a born again Christian in 2012.

Am married and I have 5 kids.
<![CDATA[Pray for this Cru-Nepal Ministry]]>Wed, 05 Mar 2025 19:11:05 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-this-cru-nepal-ministry
Please pray for Ram Prasad Chaudhary and this Cru-Nepal Ministry. Here is their current newsletter.
<![CDATA[Pray for Army of God Children's Charity in Kenya]]>Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:43:35 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-army-of-god-childrens-charity-in-kenya
Please join us in praying for Mulindwa Kevin and Army of God Children's Charity in Nansana Kyebando, Kenya. The ministry was founded in 2010. Please also consider taking just a moment to email Mulindwa to encourage him by letting him know you are praying: ​mulindwakevin222@gmail.com“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV​

From Mulindwa:
The Army of God Children’s Charity is a faith-based organization dedicated to caring for and empowering vulnerable children in Uganda, Africa. Our ministry primarily focuses on providing shelter, food, education, and spiritual guidance to children who have been abandoned, orphaned, or are in desperate situations due to poverty and neglect.
Where We Meet: Our orphanage is located in Uganda, where we welcome children from various backgrounds, each with unique challenges and needs. Our facility is not just a home; it is a place where children receive love, security, and the opportunity for a brighter future. We also host community meetings to share God's word and build a sense of unity among the children and surrounding community.

How Many People: Currently, we care for a growing number of children, and this number varies as children are welcomed into the home and others transition to a new chapter in their lives. The number of children typically ranges from 40 to 60 at any given time. Additionally, we have a dedicated team of staff and volunteers who help care for the children, provide educational support, and lead our outreach efforts.

Mission Statement: Our mission is to care for the most vulnerable children in Uganda, offering them a safe environment where they can grow in faith, be educated, and receive the love and care they deserve. We aim to equip these children with the tools they need to live purposeful, independent lives, while guiding them in the ways of the Lord through faith, love, and hope.

Ministries Within the Charity:

• Education Ministry: We provide both primary and secondary education to the children, focusing on academic excellence, life skills, and spiritual growth.

• Spiritual Development: We offer regular Bible studies, prayer sessions, and worship services, ensuring that the children are nurtured in their faith and relationship with God.

• Healthcare and Wellness: We strive to meet the physical and emotional needs of the children, providing healthcare services, regular check-ups, and counseling.

Outreach Ministries: We actively engage with the local community and beyond. Some of our outreach initiatives include:

• Community Feeding Programs: Providing meals to families in need.

• Health Awareness Campaigns: Offering basic medical care and education on hygiene and well-being.

• Youth Empowerment Projects: Training local youth in skills that will empower them to contribute positively to society.

We are constantly seeking ways to expand our outreach and meet the growing needs of the community around us.

Closing Thoughts: At Army of God Children’s Charity, we are committed to showing God’s love through action. With your prayers and support, we believe we can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of these precious children. Thank you for walking with us on this mission to bring hope, healing, and transformation to those who need it the most.

Prayer Requests:
• For the children’s safety and health: Please pray for the continued protection and well-being of all the children in our care. May God keep them safe from harm and provide for their health needs.

• For spiritual growth and guidance: Pray that the children grow stronger in their faith, drawing closer to God through prayer, Bible study, and worship. May they experience His love and grace in deep and transformative ways.

• For provision of resources: Pray for God’s provision of food, education, and necessary resources to continue meeting the needs of the children and their caregivers.

• For the staff and volunteers: Pray for strength, wisdom, and compassion for all the staff and volunteers who serve the children, that they may be instruments of God’s love and guidance.

• For wisdom and discernment: Pray that God grants us wisdom in decision-making, especially in times of uncertainty, as we continue to care for these children and expand our outreach efforts.

• For healing and emotional well-being: Pray for the healing of the emotional and psychological wounds some children carry due to past trauma. May God bring them peace and restoration.

• For the community surrounding us: Pray that our outreach efforts continue to impact and uplift the local community, bringing hope and change to families in need.

• For continued growth and expansion: Pray that God opens doors for us to expand our efforts, reach more children, and meet their needs in ways that glorify His name.

Thank you for lifting these prayer requests before God with us. Your prayers are a powerful part of this ministry.

Personal testimony from Mulindwa:

I’ve always believed that God has a purpose for each of us, and it wasn’t until I began my journey with the Army of God Children’s Charity that I truly understood the depth of that purpose in my own life.

Before the charity, life was filled with many trials, and I found myself searching for a deeper meaning. It was during a time of prayer and reflection that God called me to serve the most vulnerable—children who had no voice, no hope, and no one to care for them. The burden I felt for the children in Uganda, orphaned and abandoned, became undeniable. God’s call was clear, and it was in that moment that I realized my life was not my own—it was meant to serve Him and to serve His children.

In Army of God Children's Charity, we’ve been able to reach so many children in need, and it’s all by the grace and guidance of God. Every day has been a testament to His faithfulness. There have been countless moments of struggle, uncertainty, and hardship, but time and time again, God has provided. The charity was born out of a deep passion to bring light and hope to children who were living in darkness.

The children we care for have become my family, and I’ve witnessed God working in their lives in incredible ways. Many of them arrive with heavy hearts, scarred by experiences too painful to share, but I’ve seen how God has healed them. I’ve seen brokenness turn into joy, pain transform into hope, and hopelessness turned into dreams for the future. These children have taught me what it means to rely on God completely, trusting in His provision every step of the way.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been unsure of how we would meet a need—whether it was food, medical care, or education—but God has always come through. Whether through generous donors, or through His divine provision, we have seen miracle after miracle. And each time, I am reminded that this ministry is not about me or my plans, but about God’s purpose, and His timing.

Through this journey, I have learned so much about faith, trust, and surrender. There have been times when I’ve questioned the way forward, but I’ve come to realize that when we trust God and commit ourselves to His plan, He is always faithful.

I am incredibly blessed to witness the transformation of these children as they come to know Jesus Christ, who heals their wounds and fills their hearts with His love. The work we do at Army of God Children’s Charity is not just a charity—it’s a ministry, a calling, and a testimony to the power of God’s love.

I am grateful every day for the opportunity to serve these children, and I give all the glory to God for His provision, His guidance, and His infinite love. May His name be praised forever, for He is the one who makes it all possible.

This ministry is not just about what we do—it’s about what God is doing through us. His work is far from over, and I am honored to be a part of it.

Comment from Mulindwa:

The Army of God Children’s Charity is a beacon of hope and love, dedicated to transforming the lives of vulnerable children in Uganda. This ministry is driven by God's compassion and faithfulness, providing care, shelter, education, and most importantly, the message of Christ's love. Every day, the charity serves as a reminder that no child should ever be forgotten or left behind, and through God's provision, the lives of these children are being changed. We are not just giving them a future; we are helping them experience the transformative power of God's grace. It’s truly a ministry of healing, hope, and divine purpose.
<![CDATA[Pray for Amazing Grace Humanitarian Church in Kenya]]>Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:11:03 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-amazing-grace-humanitarian-church-in-kenya
Please join us in prayer for director Henry Otieno and Amazing Grace Humanitarian Church in Kisumu, Kenya. The ministry began in 2000. And please consider emailing Henry to encourage him by letting him know you are praying: otienohenry2000@gmail.com. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

From Henry:

We meet in churches, tents, halls, we have 16 branches and every branch has over 20 people, our mission statement says 'A life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile.' We preach the gospel locally and globally, we care for orphans, needy children, widows, the vulnerable, the girlchild, the displaced, the old age and the disadvantaged. We provide them with food, school fees, building of houses to the homeless, free medication, drilling of water boreholes distribution of Bibles
Prayer Requests
My prayer request is buying public address equipments, paying preachers and pastors for their house keep and house rent, ministry vehicle, paying school fees for orphans and needy children, capital for income generating activities for the widows and needy families, free medical camps monthly, building of churches, buying of tents for fellowship, free Bibles for new believers.

Henry's Person Testimony
I was born again in 1983, I was spirit filled and healed. I am married to one wife with three children. I have a burden to spread the gospel locally and globally. I have a burden to serve humanity, taking care of the needy, the orphans and the unlovable. I believe God to expand my ministry this year.
<![CDATA[Pray for Soldiers for Christ Ministry]]>Wed, 26 Feb 2025 17:57:06 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-soldiers-for-christ-ministry
Please join us in prayer for Soldiers for Christ Ministry and founder, Dennis Okutoi. The ministry is in Eldoret, Kenya and was started in 2024. Consider taking a moment to email Dennis to encourage him by letting him know you are praying: dennisokutoi85@gmail.com.
From Dennis:
We meet at a rental house near where i live, we're 50+ members, 15 children fed and helped in education, we do bible study, youth empowerment and mentoring programmes, evangelism and so much more.
Prayer request:, pray for funds to sustain the ministry programmes, and pray for the ones who left because of lack of stuarion to come back. Pray for job opportunities for us to run the ministry well, in Jesus' name.

God has been great in the ministry despite challenges, ups and downs, He chose me and believed me in the ministry, i thank God for that
<![CDATA[Gospel Believers Fellowship Update 2/23/25]]>Tue, 25 Feb 2025 20:38:58 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/gospel-believers-fellowship-update-22325
Please continue to pray for the needs of Pastor Bushebi and Gospel Believers Fellowship in Kenya and praise God for all He is doing. And consider taking a few minutes to email your encouragement to brotherbushebi1@gmail.com. Let him know you are praying! Also join me in praising God for all who are being born again, healed, and set free. 


Dear Family,

Hearty greetings from your Family in Africa through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!
We pray you are well and the Lord is blessing!!!
Brother Francis and Dora Bushebi, together with other Ministers visited Chwele Church for a prayer service

-      Jubilee Celebrations on February 7th 2025 continues to bring fruits as 6 more People came to receive the Lord in our Church office last week due to the event three weeks after it happened.
-      The Lord brought 5 New Souls at Bungoma Church during the service presided over by Brother Douglas Barasa.
-      3 Board of Management Members of Starlight GBF Secondary gave their lives to Jesus after the Lord gave us a Word over their individual Lives at the first meeting of the school Calendar.
-      Brother Julius fell down in reaction to the power and rose up later to confirm his back ache healing that has taken about 3 years.
-      Brother Frederick, a Friends Church member got delivered from devil’s tormenting him and hearing the voices of death over his life when he visited us in our office on Friday last week.
-      Baby Nelson, 4 months old received healing from Asthmatic infection and started breathing well after several different medication
-      Naivasha town Church has received an offer for a Land Parcel plot for church construction if they reach the target of six thousands dollar in the town which to them is a big mountain to climb but all is possible with God!!!

The Jubilee celebrations still bringing many more to Christ for it was so powerful that the Lord used the event to reach to the Many, 6 more People gave their Lives to the Lord last week at our Church ministry office in Bungoma town. He continues to increase!!!

Children are having a short break of one week from School to enable them rest as they collect School fee from their Parents. We will have them for a week, praying and fellowshipping with them as we wait to get back to school as from Monday March 3rd 2025 next week. We pray to God to send help for them and pay at least ¾ of the First Semester of the year as required by the Government. The good praise report is that most of the Children God has given us, do averagely well in Academics, Hallelujah!!!!
With much prayers,Yours Faithfully in the Lord,
Brother Bushebi and Ministry,

1.  Need for English and Swahili Bibles 2. Basic Needs for Orphans and Widows 3. Pastoral Training Program 4. Ministry Resources 5. Partnership in Missions


Phone: +254-735781802; +254-724039828; +254-725733630
PAYPAL EMAILgbfministrypaypal@gmail.com
Email: bushebi@africaonline.co.ke or gbfministries@yahoo.com

WEBSITE: http://www.gospelbelieversfellowship.org
<![CDATA[Pray for this Ivory Coast Ministry]]>Tue, 25 Feb 2025 18:53:12 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/pray-for-this-ivory-coast-ministry
Please join me in continued prayer for Pastor James Wheagar and MEVAC ministry on the Ivory Coast, West Africa. You may read more about this ministry here. And I hope you’ll email Pastor Wheagar to let him know you are praying! eglise.mevac@gmail.com. “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV

From Pastor Wheager: 
Glory to God 🙏🙏🙏
I have several seminars in some cities, in my country (Ivory Coast).
By God's grace, I studied the doctrine of the Word, the attributes of God and the importance of salvation during these seminars with different groups of leaders from different churches. 

Through these teachings I can reassure you that several pastors are beginning to have a good interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.
All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.

1/May God continue to renew my strength and energy to faithfully continue to sow the clear Gospel of his kingdom wherever he wishes.
2/ Next month I will go to other cities for other biblical teaching seminars. May God provide the necessary needs for this other mission.
3/ May God connect me to missionaries and Christian organizations who have a passion for evangelizing the African continent to work together.

May God richly bless you for your kind prayers and encouragement to the work of the heavenly kingdom.​
<![CDATA[Weekly Update from Gospel Believers Fellowship]]>Sun, 23 Feb 2025 18:58:33 GMThttps://findchristianlinks.com/pray-for-ministries/weekly-update-from-gospel-believers-fellowship
Please continue to pray for the needs of Pastor Bushebi and Gospel Believers Fellowship in Kenya and praise God for all He is doing. And consider taking a few minutes to email your encouragement to brotherbushebi1@gmail.com. Let him know you are praying! Also join me in praising God for all who are being born again, healed, and set free. 
Beloved Family,

Receive warm greetings from your Family in Africa through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior!
We pray you are well and the Lord is blessing!!!

Brother Francis and Dora Bushebi, together with other Ministers visited Chwele Church for a prayer service
-      Up to 11 People decided to receive the Lord in honor of the Jubilee Celebrations on February 7th 2025.
-      The Lord brought 7 New Souls at Chwele Church during the service presided by Brother Francis and Dora Bushebi yesterday.
-      4 New Souls received the Lord yesterday at Bungoma Church in the Sunday service
-      A Couple gave their lives to Jesus Christ at Nasianda
-      The Lord miraculously healed Sister Agnes from the Tumor she had on her forehead that marveled many People
-      A Mad man, Joel received deliverance at Namakoye GBF Church during a Prayer watch night last week Friday, now free and recovering
-      3 New Souls were won to the Lord last week as Malaba Church Pastor and Evangelist got around in the Suburbs of the town.
-      The Lord healed Reggie’s eyes after thugs splashed Nitric Acid into his eyes. We prayed and the Lord brought back his sight after medical attention and medication
The Jubilee celebrations, marking 50 years since GBF Ministry started, has brought a great revival of praise around the Bungoma region; Two Churches have joined the Ministry since then and many more People are coming to visit honoring the Lord for it, and about 11 decided to receive the Lord due to the Honor and Praise to the Father since last week.

Being the second month of the first semester of the year, the Schools with our Orphans and Needy Children are demanding from us this time to have more School fees payment as required by the Government. We are in prayer for the Lord’s hand in this to enable us at least pay the amounts to levels of 2/3 as demanded. We request for your prayers for these Children who totally depend upon the Lord for their future. God bless your prayers!!!

Yours Faithfully in the Lord,
Brother Bushebi and Ministry,

1.  Need for English and Swahili Bibles 2. Basic Needs for Orphans and Widows 3. Pastoral Training Program 4. Ministry Resources 5. Partnership in Missions

Phone: +254-735781802; +254-724039828; +254-725733630
Email: bushebi@africaonline.co.ke or gbfministries@yahoo.com

WEBSITE: http://www.gospelbelieversfellowship.org
