When it comes to youth ministry, finding the right curriculum can feel overwhelming. With so many resources available, it’s crucial to discern which ones genuinely align with a gospel-centered approach. At G Shades, we believe that a gospel-centered youth ministry curriculum goes beyond delivering good advice or teaching moral behavior—it consistently points students back to the person and work of Jesus Christ.
by guest blogger Mike Haynes
When it comes to youth ministry, finding the right curriculum can feel overwhelming. With so many resources available, it’s crucial to discern which ones genuinely align with a gospel-centered approach. At G Shades, we believe that a gospel-centered youth ministry curriculum goes beyond delivering good advice or teaching moral behavior—it consistently points students back to the person and work of Jesus Christ.
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by guest blogger Linda H Wicks
I have just come back from the most amazing journey – an adventure I never would have dreamed of! Having been a Christ-follower all my 75 years, it has been my constant, life-long prayer that I would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life. But when He began to stir my heart three years ago, I (like Jonah) ran the other way! Let me tell you about it. by guest blogger Patty Sadallah
Imagine living every moment tuned to the voice of God—seeing His plans, feeling His heart, and walking in step with His Spirit. Would you like to know how to do that? We can teach you how! Hi, I’m Dr. Patty Sadallah with Spirit Life Workshops and Spirit Life Circles. Let me share a bit of my journey so you can see why I am so passionate about helping others connect deeply with God, and why God wants me to show you how! by guest blogger Dave Kahle
The world is filled with marketplace Christians who are content with a shallow Christian presence in their business, afraid of the consequences of a more visible, deeper approach. But what if the benefits far outweighed any discomfort that might come from stepping out and more visibly embracing Christianity in the marketplace? What if that which we would gain so far outweighs our small sense of temporary discomfort that we would look back on it down the road a bit and reflect, “I should have done that years ago.” I recently asked the people who are members of my X-I Community to articulate one benefit to intentionally moving their business and their careers to a more visible alignment with God. Their response? Peace, purpose and a closer relationship with God. In this article, we’re going to look at the third of those responses: A closer relationship with God. by guest blogger Christine Young
Isaiah 26:3 Says "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in You." Do we really trust God? Do we truly believe He will do what is best for us, or do we allow our minds to continually dwell on the problem? Philippians 4:8-9 says, "Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things and the God of Peace will be with you." If we have accepted God's free gift of salvation, we can trust Him to meet every need in a way that is the absolute best for us. We CAN have peace! by guest blogger Dave Kahle
Can our businesses and careers be subject to attack by "spiritual forces of evil"’? And, if so, what does that look like? Can some or many of the obstacles in your path be intentionally implanted by the “spiritual forces of evil?” Let’s dig into this together. Scripture can shed some light on this subject. We know that Job was attacked by Satan and lost his business, his family and his home. That is as clear a case of Satanic attack as there is. More subtly, we know that the Israelites, in their many seasons of falling away and worshipping strange gods, were often condemned for taking advantage of the poor and striving after money and wealth. These actions were certainly empowered by the spiritual forces of evil represented by the various false gods. Evil twisted their business to its own end. Guest post by Elizabeth Thambiraj
Reminiscing about a time I was running to get my next connecting flight and experienced this deep thirst, which was painful, hurting and sore. It was as if my tongue was cleaving to the roof of my mouth. It was not at all pleasant . . . but agonizing, searing, grievous and torturous! Greek word for thirst: διψάω – dipsáo To suffer from thirst means figuratively, those who are said to thirst who painfully feel their want of, and eagerly long for, those things by which the soul is refreshed, supported, strengthened.1 Medical Science says, “Polydipsia is the definition of excessive thirst. Excess thirst is an abnormal urge to drink fluids at all times. It’s a reaction to fluid loss in your body. Dry mouth (xerostomia) and the urge to pee often (frequent urination) may go along with it”.2 by guest blogger Josh Matson
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. A quick Wikipedia consultation translates Horace’s famous quote to “Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow.” I couldn’t agree more! Now, I want to be very clear. Tomorrow does matter, but dismissing the present to chase what could be is an exercise in futility. Tomorrow doesn’t come without first getting through today. What you do right now matters more than what you have done in the past and what you will do in the future. by Karen Weigand In 1963, my son Brett was born with a physical problem that doctors first had a difficult time diagnosing and then didn’t know how they were going to treat. But when Brett was two and a half, God stepped in and did a miracle. I’d like to share the story with you . . .
Brett was born unable to swallow. Part of what he ate went to his lungs instead of his stomach because of a constricted muscle. I could not feed him anything by mouth because of the danger of it going directly to his lungs. Instead, I fed him through a tube going directly to his stomach. by Guest Blogger Christine Young
For many years I believed that God would answer prayer and perform miracles for other people but not for me. I had such a low opinion of myself I felt condemned and rejected by God. I did not see God as good. I saw Him as a supreme authority waiting to punish me for the slightest fault. I had witnessed true miracles and had seen people get mighty answers to prayer, but that did not bring me joy. I only felt even more rejected. Was God really willing to help me? I doubted it. |
AuthorsThe authors are fellow believers who want to motivate you to step out in faith to become all God designed you to be! Some share their stories about how God encouraged them to step out of their comfort zone to do what He was calling them to do. Some share encouraging thoughts about growing in Jesus. I hope you will consider writing a guest post! Please email me. Archives
March 2025