I have just come back from the most amazing journey – an adventure I never would have dreamed of! Having been a Christ-follower all my 75 years, it has been my constant, life-long prayer that I would be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life. But when He began to stir my heart three years ago, I
(like Jonah) ran the other way! Let me tell you about it.
When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 of 2022, Zhenia was a local pastor in Nova Kakhovka. The city was occupied from the earliest days of the war. Russia has long held the practice of immediately kidnapping or killing pastors, priests, and chaplains, thus disheartening the people, so within the first few days a warning went out for all clergy to evacuate! Even though his name was put on the KGB "kill list," Zhenia decided to stay, for he could not leave his people. No challenge was too big, no sacrifice too great, no place too dangerous to go. He, indeed, teetered on the edge of eternity.
Thus began the most amazing story of God’s incredible faithfulness and protection over Zhenia’s life. Time after time the Lord delivered him from harm. It sounds like a fast-paced thriller, but is, in fact, the true account of the Lord’s miraculous protection.
Within a few months after Russia attacked Ukraine, my husband began telling me I should write Zhenia’s story. Each time my response was the same: "No way!" I had written and sold various articles over the years but found it to be very hard work. An entire book? Not on my bucket list! But before long, the Holy Spirit began repeating the same message to my heart, but I had the same reaction: "Absolutely not!’" What followed were eight of the most miserable months of my life as the Lord and I battled about it . . . I strenuously resisting and He gently prodding . . . until I finally submitted. And repented. Why couldn’t I, like Mary of Old, have immediately responded by saying, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled"?
And so . . . I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. And discovered anew the incredible faithfulness of the Lord. Writing this book was not work at all, but pure joy! Never have I been more overwhelmed by the sheer privilege of being used by Him. He was with me every step of the way! Many nights, just as I was drifting off to sleep, I would see a perfectly crafted sentence in my mind and would know exactly where it should go in the book. Those sentences were not from me!
Within a few weeks of my initial writing, I googled "how to submit a manuscript for Christian publication." I immediately received an inquiry box asking for my contact information, the genre of the book and a short synopsis. I filled out the form and sent it back, not even knowing who it went to. The next morning Maria, an acquisition agent from Covenant Books called to ask more questions. We talked for nearly half an hour. After that, she contacted me at least once a month to check on my progress and answer any questions I had. Publishing companies will not normally look at manuscripts until they are completed, but after about a year, Sheree asked me to send her my unfinished manuscript so she could "take a peek and gauge their level of interest." Although I was very apprehensive (because it was so raw and unfinished), I emailed it to her. A week later she called and offered me a contract. Little did I realize how unusual this was – new authors normally attempt to get their books published for several years.
The Lord went before me and smoothed the way every step of this amazing journey in writing. Who knew He had this planned for my life in my mid-70s?
“God’s ways are perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.”
Psalm 18:30

Linda is a 1971 graduate of Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Missouri. Her life-long passions have been mothering and missions. It was her great joy to serve as Mission Director at her church for over 14 years. She has been a frequent speaker at MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) and MOMs groups, as well as leading workshops at Hearts at Home Conferences, women’s conferences and mission events.
Linda’s adventurous spirit has led her on mission trips, global travel and even two skydiving experiences with grandsons for her 70th and 75th birthdays. She and Tom reside in Columbia, Missouri.