by Guest Blogger Christine Young
For many years I believed that God would answer prayer and perform miracles for other people but not for me. I had such a low opinion of myself I felt condemned and rejected by God. I did not see God as good. I saw Him as a supreme authority waiting to punish me for the slightest fault. I had witnessed true miracles and had seen people get mighty answers to prayer, but that did not bring me joy. I only felt even more rejected. Was God really willing to help me? I doubted it.
For many years I believed that God would answer prayer and perform miracles for other people but not for me. I had such a low opinion of myself I felt condemned and rejected by God. I did not see God as good. I saw Him as a supreme authority waiting to punish me for the slightest fault. I had witnessed true miracles and had seen people get mighty answers to prayer, but that did not bring me joy. I only felt even more rejected. Was God really willing to help me? I doubted it.
It took me many years to know that God is willing and actually wants to help and bless me. He is willing and He wants to help and bless you also. All you have to do is ask. He is a very good loving father, He cares! Jesus reached out His hand and said, “I am willing” (Luke 5:13).
Below is one just miracle I describe in my book, Quit Doubting Trust God, that shows the mighty goodness of God. I hope you too will find Him to be the faithful companion I have found Him to be to me all my life.
Below is one just miracle I describe in my book, Quit Doubting Trust God, that shows the mighty goodness of God. I hope you too will find Him to be the faithful companion I have found Him to be to me all my life.
My father had been laid off from his engineering job and was unable to find work anywhere. Eventually one prospective company told him why no one would hire him: he had been accustomed to receiving a high wage, and the companies he was approaching for jobs could not pay him that much. Therefore, they felt when he was offered a better job, he would leave. Without an income, my family ran into financial problems. The day came when the only food left in the house was some potatoes. My mother made German potato salad, which we ate three meals a day for a week. (To this day I can’t stand German potato salad.) On the seventh day, at lunch, my dad prayed, “Well, Lord, tonight we will be thanking you for the salt and pepper as there is nothing left.” That afternoon, my grandparents on my mother’s side came from Pennsylvania, surprising us with a visit. No one knew they were coming as they had never come to visit before. (At this time we were living in Louisiana.) When they came in the door, they handed each of us a hundred-dollar bill. At that time there were five of us–my parents, my two siblings, and me. That meant $500! My grandmother then told us how the trip originated. She was in the backyard hanging up laundry when her neighbor came over. She said to my grandmother, “Something is wrong with your daughter in Louisiana. You need to go there.” My grandmother went into the house, told my grandfather, and they left for Louisiana immediately. The money they gave us provided for our family until my father got a job again. “Therefore do not worry and be anxious, saying, ‘What are we going to eat?’ Or, ‘what are we going to have to wear?’ For the heathen wish for and crave these things, and your heavenly Father knows well that you have need of them all. But seek, aim at and strive after first of all His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right], and then all these things taken together will be given to you besides. So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble”. Matthew 6:31–34 |
That is just one of many instances when God miraculously came through in a great time of need. God is not a respecter of persons, If He did it for me, He will do it for you. He saw me through much abuse, extreme poverty, many serious hospitalizations etc. He IS faithful! No matter what you may be going through, trust Jesus.
About Christine Young

My pen name is Christine and I’m a 75 year old mother of 10 with 19 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I enjoy gardening, interior decorating traveling. In 2015 My husband and I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa.
While on a mission trip to Jamaica I was asked to write a book to testify of God’s faithfulness throughout my life. Previously God had laid it on my heart to do so also. I initially resisted. Not only had I never written a book before, but my story is hard to tell, let alone relive. Sad and embarrassing things that had remained hidden for many years would have to come into the light. Unflattering stories would have to be told and old wounds dredged up.
But God persisted until I gave in and, against my own will, I clicked on my computer and typed “Chapter 1.”
My hope is that you will find my story interesting and see that God is ever so faithful. He will never put on us more than we can bear, and He teaches us through the trials so they can become our greatest strengths. We only need to trust that He loves us and always wants what’s best for our lives.
If you find my book valuable, I would appreciate a review so that others will read it and be encouraged. I want as many people as possible to see that God truly is the way to a new beginning. It is available online at most bookstores and Amazon.