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“Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door." Matthew 24:32-33 NLT
Every day we see more end time prophecies fulfilled. What can we do during these challenging times? We can stay in God's Word and be devoted to him in prayer, keeping our eyes on Jesus and running the race with endurance (Hebrews 12:1-2). We can use every opportunity to share the gospel with others. We can encourage and pray for one another. We can stay informed and ask God what He wants us to do.
Below are some websites and blogs that can help you find those end-time scriptures and relate them to what is happening in the world today. Please remember that much of what is written is molded by the author's opinions and understanding of Scripture. Read them prayerfully . . . trusting the Holy Spirit to help you discern truth.
Below are some websites and blogs that can help you find those end-time scriptures and relate them to what is happening in the world today. Please remember that much of what is written is molded by the author's opinions and understanding of Scripture. Read them prayerfully . . . trusting the Holy Spirit to help you discern truth. Weekly podcast (on right). "Exciting audio commentary on current events in relation to the Bible! Updated Fridays." The Bible Magazine. Other resources. |
Endtime. "Comprehensive coverage of Bible prophecy through examining end time headlines. We delve into the intriguing realm of biblical prophecy and its connection to current world events." The Endtime Show is live weekdays at 3:00 CST. Endtime Magazine. Jerusalem Prophecy College empowers students to know the link between current events and Bible prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
End Time Bible Prophecy. Comprehensive blog with frequent posts tying current events to Bible prophecy. Blogger Gordon says, "Jesus tells us to pick up our cross and follow him. That is the mission of this site. That is my mission from God. To share his word and to hopefully lead others to Christ's Salvation. . . . [God] has directed me to spread the Gospel and warn others about the coming tribulation and wrath of God through this site."

The Hal Lindsey Report
I encourage you to tune in to Hal Lindsey's weekly program: The Hal Lindsey Report. It is a weekly half-hour news and commentary series hosted by popular Bible prophecy teacher Hal Lindsey, author of The Late Great Planet Earth. This informative program covers current events and national and international issues from a Biblical and prophecy-based perspective.
I encourage you to tune in to Hal Lindsey's weekly program: The Hal Lindsey Report. It is a weekly half-hour news and commentary series hosted by popular Bible prophecy teacher Hal Lindsey, author of The Late Great Planet Earth. This informative program covers current events and national and international issues from a Biblical and prophecy-based perspective.
Jonathan Cahn: Hope of the World. "An End-Time Ministry For An End-Time World." Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Jewish rabbi, "is known for opening the deep mysteries of Scripture and bringing forth messages of prophetic import. He leads Hope of the World ministry, an international outreach of teaching, evangelism, and compassion projects for the world's most needy. He also leads the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel, a worship center made up of Jews and Gentiles, people of all backgrounds, just outside New York City in Wayne, New Jersey. Cahn has authored several bestselling books dealing with biblical prophecy.

Koenig World Watch Daily. An Internet news service that posts news alerts to more than 20,000 subscribers. They strive to educate readers through truthful, discerning, and frequent commentary about the significance of current events affecting Israel and our world either directly or indirectly. I know Bill Koenig personally. His love for Jesus shines through him . . . and his heart to do what God is calling him to do. Along with all you'll read about on his website, Bill is an author and much-in-demand speaker. I hope you'll take time to explore his site and consider subscribing to Koenig's Eye View weekly report, free news alerts, and prayer alerts.
Lamb & Lion Ministries. (Christ in Prophecy). From their website: "The Ministry was established for the purpose of proclaiming the soon return of Jesus. We do not believe it is possible to know the date when Jesus will return. But we do believe it is possible to know the season of the Lord’s return, and it is our conviction that we are living in that season." Learn about their Christ in Prophecy TV, teachings, podcasts, app, and social media outreaches.
Life, Hope & Truth. "Prophecy in the News" by Mike Bennett: "Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in today's news. Here are some tips for recognizing it. God wants us to watch prophecy in the news so we can be spiritually ready." Check out their blog: "Insights into News & Prophecy."
Prophecy News Watch. "Keeping you informed of world events from a biblical perspective." Visit them also on Facebook.
Rapture Ready. Commentary on world events as they relate to prophecy. End time news, articles, events, prophecy, and doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Also offers end time news by other featured writers and contributors.
The Watchman. Stakelbeck is host and executive producer of The Watchman, a cutting-edge newsmagazine delivering the inside story on what’s happening in Israel and the Middle East and why it matters to everyone. The Watchman television show can be seen in primetime each week on TBN. Stakelbeck also hosts The Watchman Newscast, which is seen exclusively on YouTube every weekday. He is Director of Christians United for Israel's CUFI Watchman Project and host of The Watchman. He is an author and regular commentator on leading national television and radio programs and a frequent guest on Fox News. He speaks regularly to audiences around the country on terrorism and Middle-East-related issues.
Rapture Ready. Commentary on world events as they relate to prophecy. End time news, articles, events, prophecy, and doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Also offers end time news by other featured writers and contributors.
The Watchman. Stakelbeck is host and executive producer of The Watchman, a cutting-edge newsmagazine delivering the inside story on what’s happening in Israel and the Middle East and why it matters to everyone. The Watchman television show can be seen in primetime each week on TBN. Stakelbeck also hosts The Watchman Newscast, which is seen exclusively on YouTube every weekday. He is Director of Christians United for Israel's CUFI Watchman Project and host of The Watchman. He is an author and regular commentator on leading national television and radio programs and a frequent guest on Fox News. He speaks regularly to audiences around the country on terrorism and Middle-East-related issues.
World Events and the Bible. From Brandon T. Ward: "Let me give you a fair warning though, I can be pretty controversial. Every day I discuss religion and politics. Yes, I know. The two most taboo topics. I must have a death wish! So as you begin reading, keep this in mind. We are never going to agree 100% of the time. Hey, none of us are all right, and none of us are all wrong. I will guarantee you one thing. The discussions on this website will help you think outside of the box. They are going to challenge your worldview, and help to solidify your faith."