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Devotions for Teens | Websites for Teens | Youth Mission Trips | Parenting Teens
Axis. "Biblical Resources to help parents disciple their teens. . . . Axis equips parents for gospel-centered conversations with their teen about faith and culture. Be sure to check this out! You will find resources to bring you closer to having sincere, open, and honest conversations with your kids. Find help for staying up to date on the music, movies, TV shows, and social media trends impacting your kid's world. Learn how to talk to your kids about mental health, technology use, bullying, and more. They even have videos (Conversation Kits) you and your teen can watch together, videos that weave biblical principles into what's happening in our culture. They even have a parent's guide to LBGTQ+ & Your Teen.
Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender. "A collaboration of Christian pastors, leaders and theologians who aspire to be the Church's most trusted source of theologically sound teaching and practical guidance on questions related to sexuality and gender."
Center for Parent/Youth Understanding (CPYU). "Endeavors to increase the ability of home and church to nurture children and teens into a lifetime of biblically-faithful, whole-life Christian discipleship." Resources include Parent Prompt, research and news, trend alert, devotionals, 3(D) media reviews, helpful handouts, interviews, podcasts, and articles across the web, an archives and helpful information, and foreign language resources in Spanish and Korean. |
Dare 2 Share. "Build a Thriving Youth Ministry." Find a plan for building a ministry that multiplies disciples. "You got into this to see students meet Jesus, believe in Him and to become life-long disciples. Not it's time to employ an effective youth ministry strategy that equips them to take His Life and Message into the world. |
EGAD! Ideas. Free student ministry resources. More than 1800 youth group games, team building games, and icebreakers!
G Shades Youth Ministry Curriculum. "The gospel is central to our faith. Shouldn't it be central to your youth ministry curriculum? Discover how G Shades simplifies gospel-centered ministry for youth pastors." Here is what a subscription includes:
Group. "Here at Group's Youth Ministry, we're always creating innovative resources to help youth workers do what matters most. From fresh, Jesus-centered books, games, videos, and curriculum. Just think of us as your one-stop youth ministry shop!" Find resources for vacation Bible school, Sunday school and children's church, children's ministry, youth ministry, family and adult ministry, ministry training, and more. |
Leader Treks. "Youth ministry curriculum that works . . . mission trips that energize your youth group . . . leadership training that grows your youth ministry." |
Rooted: Youth Ministry Resources. A collection of resources about issues you may face in your ministry and issues the teenagers you serve may face in life.
The Source for Youth Ministry. Free resource and ideas. Free training and articles. "The Source for Youth Ministry is a non profit ministry encouraging and equipping youth workers to reach young people across the globe."
Summit Ministries. Vision: Summit Ministries desires to see generations of Christians mobilized to transform a broken world. Mission: We exist to equip and support rising generations to embrace God's truth and champion a biblical worldview. So much going on here! Take time to browse the website! |
Trail Life. "Christ-centered. Boy-focused. Trail Life USA is a Church-Based, Christ-Centered, Boy-Focused mentoring and discipleship journey that speaks to the heart of a boy. Established on timeless values derived from the Bible and set in the context of outdoor adventure, boys from age 5 to 17 are engaged in a Troop setting by male mentors where they are challenged to grow in character, understand their purpose, serve their community, and develop practical leadership skills to carry out the mission for which they were created." |
Word of Life Youth Ministries. "Planting engaged youth ministries in today's church." Curriculum, devotionals, a variety of events, blog and podcast, youth leader training, youth ministry coaching, camps, Bible institute, and more.
YM360. Youth Ministry, Full Circle. "Meeting the needs of youth workers through Gospel-centered study resources, community, networking, and training. . . . At YM360, we know youth leaders wear many hats, so we create high-quality resources and life-changing events which equip you to spend time leading your students in meaningful relationships with Jesus." Find youth ministry and Bible study resources, community, and networking. Free stuff here. "We elevate Christ. We serve relationally. We invest intentionally. We empower discipleship. We crush hassles. We assemble awesome. We partner purposefully." |
Youth Devos. Student devotions . . . daily Bible verse and devotion . . . discipleship . . . youth leader resources. |
| "In a nutshell, we're a team of people who create experiences with one goal in mind: to help people grow in relationship with Jesus and each other. We create an endless stream of ideas, lessons, events, and service opportunities for the ever-transforming world of church ministry." (See their podcast in right column of this page.) Tons of resources: leadership, discipleship, media and culture, missions and service, lessons and other resources. |
Youth Ministry Toolbox. For the busy youth pastor. Sermons, PowerPoint games, up front games, small group studies, administrative tools and forms, Bible reading plans, student ministry events, leadership training, and (soon) ministry coaching. Also "Disciple Now Curriculum," "Youth Ministry Apps," and "Girls Ministry Ideas." |
Youth Worker. A multitude of articles on topics like games and activities, lessons, jobs, programs and events, leadership, Bible studies, culture, and ministry life.
YouthVids. "Carefully curated videos to help youth discover God . . . Jesus . . . faith . . . the Bible. " Search by topic, series, style, and recommended. "Perfect for finding discussion starters, answers to tough questions, videos for Bible studies, and more. |